Harry Potter -- Is this popular series of books and movies something to be enjoyed or avoided?
The World--We are told to flee the temptations of the world if we want the spiritual life. Yet, what exactly is it that we
are fleeing? Is the world anything that can be left, other than by an astronaut? What is a realistic approach to the world?
Death--Death and taxes are the only certainties of life. Yet we avoid facing either unless we are forced. This reflection
takes a look at death in our society and in the life of the author.
People Along the Way--When we are on a journey there are usually road signs that point in a particular direction. The difficulty with
the spiritual journey is that often the signs point in several directions!
Power of stories--We often dismiss stories as being any thing more than entertainment. Yet, stories exert a powerful influence on our lives...for
good or ill.
Education for love--While people may have many reasons for pursuing an education the greatest is to grow in wisdom.
Reflections on the abuse scandal-- There has been much news in recent months on the mishandling of allegations of abuse reported to dioceses over
the years. The response of the Church has been problematic. This article examines issues related to the scandal.
Spiritual Machines? -- Rather than simply a reflection, this is a website in itself that takes a look at the integration of humanity and computers.
A primary focus is on the moral questions raised by this intersection. What does it mean to be human in a world where we and
computers are one? What does it mean to be human in a world with sentient computers? What does it mean to be human when reality
is virtual?
Mary at the foot of the cross -- Both joy and sorrow were woven together in the fabric of the Blessed Mother's life, as they are in the live of each of
us. As a society our ultimate goal seems to be to avoid pain and suffering. We are told to take this pill or buy that toy
and we will be happy. Is it possible to avoid all pain and suffering? Is suffering simply part of life and to avoid all suffering
is to avoid an integral part of life?
Paul's Letter to the Marianas--What would it be like to have been one of the Christian communities to receive a letter from St. Paul? This series
is an imaginative look at a "Letter to the Marianas" in the style of St. Paul. Along the way we learn a little about St. Paul
and his world.
Getting it Right!! The Church has Good News to share with a postmodern generation of young adults who are seeking for meaning.
Rather than good news they often encounter debates on who does the dishes and are offered spiritual heroes with whom they
have nothing in common. The opportunity for sharing is there but we have to start getting it right if we want to reach them!
Heroes. One of the best new series this year is "Heroes". In addition to great writing and respect for the comic
book roots of the series, it taps into a deep psychological and spiritual need in its viewers.