
Deacon Richard D Shewman, D.Min., J.C.L. |
Dr. Shewman earned a Doctor of Ministry Degree from St. Mary's Seminary and Graduate School of Theology and a Licentiate
degree in Canon Law from Catholic University of America. He also has a Master of Arts in Pastoral Theology from St. Mary of
the Woods College and a Master of Arts from the University of Guam in Behavior Science. The emphasis of his doctoral work
was in Christian spirituality.
He was ordained a permanent deacon in September of 1984. He currently ministers as a deacon at St. Luke's Church
in Erie, PA. In addition to his ministry with St. Luke's Church, he is employed as a canon lawyer with the Marriage Tribunal
of the Diocese of Erie.
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Deacon Shewman maintains another website of articles and stories published weekly by the North Star, the weekly newspaper
published by the Diocese of Chalan Kanoa (Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands). You can access this other website
through clicking on this link.
Click here to visit Along the Way, a site of reflections, homilies and stories by the author of this website.
(c)2005. Richard Shewman. All rights reserved. The contents of this website are the intellectual property
of the author and may not be reproduced, aside from fair personal use for the purpose of individual study, without the written
permission of the author.
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